True blue personality! If you only knew what that exactly means? Learning so much about myself through this Master Key Experience. I actually think I am now addicted to learning more and more about me. Gaining insight about others and how this color code is valuable information. Helping reveal the best ways to approach and communicate with others. Above all, how I am best receiving advice or constructive guidance for instance!
Thank goodness as I am taking this class my guide that is working with me last year knew my main color was true blue!! She always knew the right things to say. Therefore, the right way to interject suggestions! In addition, my guide even knew that I always am needing reassurance and positive feedback.
In Conclusion, as a true blue personality. My core motive is intimacy and developing legitimate connections! I am like the photo, always reaching out, helping others.
It is my nature, true blue, how God perfectly designed me! Therefore, when put in a position of conflict I find myself pulling back and withdrawing. Getting very uncomfortable, I try to be respectful. Somehow, I find myself nurturing any conversation or situation to a caring and compassionate view point.
I love having great intuition and trust it always! Connecting easily and energetically to source energy, or God! To enlighten and guide my life in all ways!
Motivating a True Blue Personality?
#1 – Situation: Disciplinary Action:
#2 – Situation: Conflict Resolution:
#3 – Situation: Performance Review:
What words best describe Blue?
Ultimately, l did mention that because of these unrealistic expectations. True Blue Personality are magnificent individuals with big hearts. Therefore, we are usually taking on too large or a load. We are continually adding to the pile. Wanting to do more for others that for ourselves most times! In conclusion, the overload brings us yet back to procrastination.
Procrastination of wanting nothing less than Perfection!
You are about the “truest blue” I have ever known! – Nancy O – (Until the blogroll is corrected, please follow my blog at: http://www.kanott.com – Thanks!)
Aloha, Brenda! Please don’t think you blues have perfection paralysis all to yourselves. I’m a red/yellow and I can tell you for a fact it’s had me in its grips on more than one occasion! 🙂
Brenda, good for you for knowing so much about your being a blue. From your blog rover friend John who is also a blue.