Kindness is the virtue that we are focusing on for this week! Wow, I am finding this everywhere! I love noticing it, I love giving it and I love even more doing Random Acts of Kindness also! Knowing you made a difference in someone else’s life.
Celebrate, if you did get off track and it bothered you. Be kind to yourself because you have a vision and you know your new reality is in reach. Know that your higher self knows how close you are, your soul is routing for you , when your heart speaks, listen and take notes. Celebrate the trying, the stumbling but have determination to continue to have vision of the greater good.

In part 12 of Hanell’s Master Keys system, he kindly mentions 3 main points: Knowledge of Power, Courage to Dare and Faith to Do. Pointing out that knowledge does not apply itself. Think and Grow Rich study shows that 95% fail and 5% succeed! You need to pay the price of success now, or you will pay the price of failure! You need to put your knowledge into practice. If you have promised this, then do it, DO IT NOW! There is no TRY, just a DO or DO NOT.
Franklins week to virtues, it can help us lift our spirit because this week we are paying attention to KINDNESS. Recognizing random acts of kindness rekindles our faith in others and ourselves. What better way to merge with the future you and other like minded people world wide. Kindness is the handmaiden to harmony. Therefore, harmony to a group consciousness can make a big difference in the world.
R.A.K. or Random Acts of Kindness:

I don’t know if any of you have done or been the receiver of random acts of kindness? In Addition, you will be amazed on how it has some sort of power that comes back to you. SEE it, FEEL it, BE it! The more you give, the more you get. Activating the Law of Karma and Law of Growth.
The virtues will improve you. Difficulties, in harmonies, and obstacles, indicate that we are either refusing to give our what we no longer need, or refusing to accept what we require. Vitality is in kindness. If we entertain only desirable “thoughts”and “language” we can bring even more vitality!
The hero’s journey:
The hero’s journey is realizing that you are made first class by first class. And above all, with in each of us lies this amazing spirit that needs to be rescued. The truth is that no one can do this for you! It is something that you kindly have to do for yourself. We need to find the golden child that is hidden under all the cement. The many years of feeling insecure or conforming to society. This is what makes you the hero.
We all need to reclaim our kind and true authentic self which is why we have been working on personal pivotal needs and our definite major purpose. In other words, this is where the power lies. The things we all have in common are some of the same core desires. In Summary, we all are seeking the same thing!
Star Wars and Scroll 4:
We are rescuing this powerful person inside. Surprisingly, they are already within us:
- Skywalker – The hero
- Leia – Your authentic spirit
- Solo – The adventurer within all of us
- Obi Wan – The wisdom within

Therefore, we are all heroes. By leaving behind the old and stepping into the unknown and meeting your authentic kind self. You are displaying courage!
Remember, kindness to others, but more so ourselves!
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These words came to me so freely, I just had to share!
Really enjoyed reading your post Brenda and the reminder that one kindness to another can make such a difference to their day
If the whole world would just more kind, how much of a better world it would be!!