A self-help guru once defined leadership as simply the ability to make things happen using the help of other people’s skills and abilities. Some leaders are quite gifted from birth, but many leaders go through leadership development after being spotted to possess the leadership potentials.
One question: What type of person or personality makes the best leader?
Leadership personality
One can imagine that the person who has the greatest success, heading the largest organization or corporation is the one that makes the best leader. It is possible.
On the other end of the pole, could a person with a little drive or entrepreneurial skills end up being a leader? It is also possible.
Developing leadership skills
Some people are very lucky because they have an easier time developing their leadership skills more than the others. There is no question that certain personality types make better leaders than the rest of us.
The next question is this: What personality types would make better leaders? Each of us fit into some personality types, whether ordinary or on the eccentric side.
Whichever it is, there might be some parts of it that would make an excellent type of leader. On the other hand, your personality type could undergo a leadership development training and become a very effective leader.
The following are some of the more recognizable leadership personalities, different though they are in more ways than one.
Powerful leader
He is the king, the lion in an organization. He is the type of person who wants to be in the driver’s seat.
His personality notwithstanding, the strength of his leadership comes from good decision-making skills which come naturally. His negative aspect is his tendency to be a morale-buster.
However, people will eventually discover his caring heart and they will learn to love and respect him. They might even grew and develop themselves from his challenges.
Perfectionist leader
As an animal, he could be compared to a beaver in the organization. He will be the one who will never forget to cross all the “T”s and dot all the “I”s.
This personality type can handle all the details of the group’s daily operations, but can nevertheless let go of the small stuff. Another good news: everyone he meets will soon learn and share his wisdom.
Peaceful leader
He is the golden retriever, and he can be the hardest to motivate. He can definitely frustrate most of the personality types listed in any group.
However, he has the most compassion among everybody. It is very easy for the rest to share their most personal feelings with him.
Popular leader
This guy is the most fun of all the other leader types. If there is no fun, he will create a fun situation for him and everyone.
His greatest strength is his uncanny ability to rally everyone to meet the organization’s goals. Almost everyone wants to be with him, except of course, the perfectionist.
In his quest to make things fun, he usually overlooks some details that can be important. Or so, the perfectionist would like to think.
You as the leader
What leadership personality would you be? What are your strengths and your weaknesses? If you are to be developed and groomed as a leader, what would you want for yourself?

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