Intelligence of the Negative Mind! Week 14 – #MKE

Intelligence-of-the-Negative-Mind-brendabrownceo-masterkeyexperience-mke-prevailworldwide. cover
Intelligence of the negative mind, is contained in every cell of the body.  We are calling ‘IT’ the subconscious mind, because it acts without our conscious knowledge.  Amazingly though, this subconscious mind is responsive to the will of the conscious ... Read more »

Me, Myself and I, Accountability! Week 12 – #MKE

Me, Myself and I, Accountability! What does it mean to have it?  Webster’s Dictionary defines “accountability” as “the quality or state of being accountable”.  An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actins.  Accountability doesn’t mean punishment. How do ... Read more »

Blue Connections to Intimacy! Week 9 – #MKE

blue type personalities are to develop connections to intimacy
Blue connections to Intimacy!  Yes, you heard right.  Core motive for a blue type personality is to develop legitimate connections.  Our strengths are being of service and listening.  Weaknesses would be indecision and over sensitive.  Goals are wanting acceptance and ... Read more »

Dress for Success

Appearance is the key factor in attracting others to you. Shallow, but true. The first impression anyone will ever make about you is based upon your appearance, and your appearance is determined in large by the type of clothing that ... Read more »

Choosing a Mate

In the wilds the process of choosing a mate is determined entirely by their physical properties; their strength, their courage and their ability to hunt and provide for their family. These principles still apply in many cases throughout the human ... Read more »