Merry Christmas from me, ONE week FREE!
WHY WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE GAINED 5 -10 lbs over the holidays?
Why not avoid the holiday weight gain in the first place!
It will the best gift you give yourself and others!
. We have only one body and we should appreciate, nurture and invest in ourselves! Our bodies are our greatest asset!!
START NOW with Valentus 12in24 Plan
You could maintain or lose weight over the holidays and
get the New Year off to a GREAT start!!
It is so Easy: 3 drinks per day! Just add WATER !!
1) SlimRoast Coffee before 10 am cuts appetite in half and burns fat, no cravings, detox, with energy and mood enhancer! Taken first thing in the am. 20-30 min before first meal.
2) Trim, Pina Colada drink 1 hour before dinner – stops night time emotional eating and pantry trolling with more appetite/craving reduction and detox!
3) Immune Boost before bed – Anti-inflammatory, detox, and super anti-oxidants to repair you while you sleep!!! Supports gut flora and promotes a peaceful sleep.
No Diet, Pills, Shakes, food containers, injections, or exercise!!!
BUT, if you do want to exercise, or just want a boost of Energy, we have a yummy fruit punch tasting drink that does not over stimulate the adrenals.
JUST cool, calm Energy!!
with any orders placed before the New Year, receive one week of
SlimRoast Coffee, Trim, Immune Boost or Energy, FREE!
For myself:
I started with the Valentus Prevail beverages December 15th. 2016 and by the New Year unexpectedly I was down 2 pounds and an inch in all my measurements!! It sure was nice having control over the holidays to have a taste of my mom’s awesome Christmas baking but to be able to say no to the second serving without feeling deprived. I was finally in control and that was a very powerful feeling, self control and with out the feeling and the voice in my head saying that ‘I was not allowed’. It truly was up to me, ‘my’ decision to say “no thank-you” and feel proud about the choice I made. Man did I ever feel a lot better that evening and the next day because I was able to avoid excess munching and grazing!!
START NOW with Valentus 12in24 Plan
Drink lots of water and make sensible choices!
All new customer or representative orders placed before Jan 1, 2017 will receive a complimentary week of SlimRoast, Trim, Immune Boost or Energy.
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain and Invest in your Health !
FREE: one week, from me!
First 50 orders only, so act fast!!
Take the tour for details and to see ingredients,
their benefits and ordering instructions!!