Affirmations to create change! Simple or complicated? Well if you would of asked me about them two months ago, my answer would of been, time consuming! Working through the Master Key Experience, amazingly, they have found simple and effective ways for us to bring this into our everyday lives not taking up too much time!
What are we learning? Creating a new habit is the only way to replace another habit. So if we are looking to make changes in our lives we don’t only need to do affirmations, but we need to put them into action. Utilizing the Master Key System has been one of the most challenging but rewarding ventures I have ever taken on! I am now retraining my brain for success!

I have also learned that success doesn’t usually come from or mean money. They have worked with us diligently to uncover our (PPN), Personal Pivotal Needs to help lead us to our true Dharma (DMP) Definite Major Purpose. Once we have done that we have connected and activated our true purpose in life that we were born with. Uncovering more than just affirmations could do alone!
Now let us get back into action and start creating more momentum yet again! How are we going to do that now? Well…….with exercise of course!
Exercising our Minds:
Mind Gym, yet but another way to accelerate how fast subby uploads our affirmations. It doesn’t take any more time. It’s a way to engage the left and right brain, complimenting and combining for more efficiency. How the mind gym works is as simple as looking at one of our 4 shapes that include one of our DMP objectives while doing a physical movement simultaneously.

Why this mind gym thing works is because the right side movement engages the left side of the brain. The left side movement engages right side of the brain. That is why it is important to alternate back and forth. Now combine the movement while focusing on shapes, your DMP while making it fun.
We are creating a different association and engaging the law of dual thought or substitution to help our DMP move along much faster.
– are positive statements that describe a desired situation, habit or goal. They are usually short sentences, and are repeated often, for the purpose of impressing them on the subconscious mind and trigger it into action, to bring the desired situation, habit or goal into fruition.
Scrolling through and reading affirmations we have been doing all along. But, now we are adding cards of written accomplishments. They can be from things once done, or of what we are doing now. We are re-enforcing and creating yet again more neuro-pathways to our sub-conscious.
Then Law of Practice needs to be utilized at this point so that we can create more of the Law of Growth. Confirming our affirmations reassures and strengthens the connections. Practice, practice and more practice! By putting all of these activities into action we give ourselves more power, courage and faith.

Practicing and repeating the reading and flash cards diminishes the amount of faith needed. The more we engage or practice, we gain more clarity and if we combine it with emotion, it then reduces the need for courage.
Becoming invincible:
Your new mission should be to fall in love with helping other people get what they want. Combining thought and love together in your affirmations and it becomes an irresistible force. Because, we know now that “intention governs attention.”
What ever you think about grows, the Law of Growth. It works both ways, hence why we don’t want to think of the things we don’t want or we create pathways that bring more of that into our world.
Those low moments we need to activate the Law of Substitution or Dual Thought and take our thoughts to a positive moment. Remembering we are in charge, we always have a choice. Affirmations are a great way to do that!
So now let us focus on all of the wonderful accomplishments we have. The more combinations we utilize the faster we get our to our goals. If we get really clear about our DMP, attach more feelings and focus, it will create more faith. Therefore, we can more forward because we have created more courage.

If we plan on growing into this new person, we need to believe we are already there and make our future experience feel like the present moment and be friends, not a stranger to the events. Let us now combine the sense of smell to these memories, it is yet another way to activate the sub-conscious.
Final thoughts for today! I have reached the half way point pretty much and I am so proud of myself for not allowing the worldly interruptions to interfere with my larger and purposeful goals! I am not a quitter, I will finish this till the end, “DO IT NOW” & “I will be what I will to be.”
I will persist!

"This is the exact info I personally used to grow a 6-figure network marketing business before I was 28 years old and fire my boss… without cold calling or bugging friends & family... and I'd like to show it to you as well!"
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