4 habits of success that are essential in all walks of life that lead to freedom and independence of thought. They are the steps that lead to riches, in small or great quantities.
These habits lead the way to power, fame, and worldly recognition. They are the steps that convert dreams into physical realities and guarantee favorable ‘breaks’.
There is a magnificent reward for those who master the 4 habits of success. Above all, it gives you the privileges’ of making life yield what ever you earnestly desire.
The mastery of fear, discouragement and indifference.
4 Habits of Success:
1 of 4 habits of success! A Definite Purpose and Burning Desire
So, how does one come up with a definite purpose? I remember asking myself that over and over again when starting this amazing program. Firstly, to help bring in authenticity it is very important to be connecting to your two PPN’s or personal pivot needs.
We are choosing from Liberty, Legacy, True Health, Autonomy, Spiritual Growth or Recognition for Creative Expression. Therefore, ask yourself which two Pivotal needs are oxygen to your soul?
Combine the two PPN’s with a burning desire or demand along with enthusiasm. After that, your Definite Purpose becomes truly authentic and genuinely yours. Combining the 4 habits of success along with the 7 learning patterns and exercises we are applying. In conclusion, your DMP slowly comes to life controlling the focus and intent. The reward is fulfillment!
Definite Plan – Continuous Action
Ultimately, a plan of action is needed to continue bringing your definite plan together. Using index cards that we are writing down our plan of action. We are reading it daily multiple times. What a magnificent idea and efficient way to help influence our subby.
One card has a service that we are promising to ourselves to do weekly. Creating another habit to add to the 4 habits of success. Yet another Index card we have our daily chores or actions we are promising to do also that helps us create traction to help move our definite purpose forward.
The tracking of our goals, services and our intentions in a calendar. That is another habit they are asking us to do so that we learn the skill of R2A2. Recognize, relate, assimilate and apply.
Mind Closed to All Negative Thought
A mind closed to tightly against all negative and discouraging influences. This is including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Everything that enters our minds influences it. Therefore, it is imperative to be mindful of what enters.
One of the best ways I am finding that is helping me stay mindful is using the suggestions given in the e-book ‘The 7 Day Mental Diet’. If you start living in the space of where you mind shifts to this state and persistently keeps applying these principles along with the 4 habits of success. Ultimately the benefits reap many rewards that come from within to the world without.
Last of 4 habits of success! Master Mind Alliance
So even those this is listed as on the the last of the 4 habits of success it definitely is not the least relevant. What I am finding is that a Master Mind Alliance is possibly one of the best ways to stay accountable.
There are many ways you can use this to your benefit. One very powerful method is utilizing the mirror and reading ‘The Gal In The Glass’ or the ‘The Guy In The Glass’. In other words, you are reading to you! What better person to be accountable to or for?
If you are promising to yourself that you are doing or being the best possible version of you? What more does one really need?
Well, it never hurts to do a connect call or mastermind with like minded individuals that also have the same burning desire or outcome that you also desire. Motivation, encouragement and accountability are very powerful. Therefore, keeping you on track and creating yet another great daily habit to add to the 4 habits of success!
Point 1 of the Blueprint Builder:
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not, nothing is more common than successful people with talent.
Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slog ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race!
- Calvin Coolidge
What does that point in the Blueprint Builder lets us know?
‘Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing!’
If you are truly wanting to develop the 4 habits of success you will need to become very persistent. Build the habit of sticking to the plan continuously with enthusiasm. Do it routinely, often and on purpose. Doing it often creates confidence and builds character. Keeping your promises from services being accomplished also builds trust within ourselves.
Tracking your results, and reverse engineering or ‘battle-shipping’ is a very powerful way to continue growing. In addition to strengthening your connection to the universal power within. When you add up all the sum of the parts, ultimately you are creating many more than just the 4 habits of success!
Learn more about Persistence and how the daily habits contribute to that!
I must concur with my blog rover friend and mm partner, JOHN I’m sure you have made both W Clement Stone and Mark J quite proud! 🙂
Thank you so much for the support ☺️
Winning is a habit! You betcha!
Brenda, you did a very good job of explaining the Four Habits of Success. From your blog rover friend John.